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McClendon Center featured in DCHA’s Quality Showcase

McClendon Center’s Patient Discharge Coordination (PDC) program, a collaboration with AmeriHealth Caritas DC, was featured in the DC Hospital Association Quality Showcase publication. PDC was launched in 2015, with the goal of reducing hospital readmissions and improving HEDIS* measures by seamlessly transitioning and reintegrating individuals from psychiatric hospitalization back into the community. Since its inception, PDC has reduced hospital admissions from 17% to 9% — a 47% readmission reduction.

Read the full article HERE. Click on PDC for more information about this program.

*Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures six “domains of care”: effectiveness, access/availability, experience, utilization, health plan descriptive information, and collected measures through electronic clinical data systems.

NPR: For Many, Medicaid Provides The Only Route To Mental Health Care

“One of the little-talked-about effects of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, was to boost access to mental health care for the poor. For people like Mouketou [— a client of McClendon Center], access to mental health care can mean the difference between being able to hold down a job or not.”

Click HERE for the complete NPR article.

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