Entries by McClendon Center

A Message from Dennis Hobb

2020 is rapidly, and thankfully, coming to an end. I’m hopeful that 2021 will be a far better year for everyone than we have experienced during many of the last […]

Got Something to Celebrate?

As a thank you to everyone who has been supporting us throughout the year we are hosting the Art of Appreciation.  We would like to invite all our supporters to […]

Silver Linings During COVID-19

We are going out into the community more often, slowly increasing our in person contact with our clients. We continue to follow all health and safety guidelines and offer gloves, […]

Stand Up for Our Clients

In the midst of the constant change and uncertainty that everyone is experiencing McClendon Center is doing what it does best – focusing on caring for our clients. Many of […]

How Are You Feeling Right Now?

We have good news about McClendon Center’s important work, the work that you support, but first we want to say how concerned we are about you. Across the nation we […]

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